Diet Right.
Diet Smart.
Diet Fast.
We know that making better food choices and living an overall healthier lifestyle isn’t always as easy as it looks. That’s why our dietitians designed the DIETFAST® weight loss program with special meal replacements and a smart menu plan that help make dieting easier.
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The DIETFAST weight loss program offers options specifically for women and men that combine special meal replacements during the day with a healthy meal prepared in the evening using everyday ingredients from the local market. The delicious DIETFAST bars, shakes and puddings are fortified with vitamins, minerals and high quality protein to help assure proper nutrition when you're on the go.
What Else?
Essential vitamins and minerals are detailed in your plan and designed to optimize balanced nutrition while you’re losing weight.
Today is the day to commit to a positive change. Start now and receive a FREE 2-Week Diet Center Essentials Kit with enrollment.